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Pertinent Laws

Pertinent Laws

Republic Act 8293
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 8792
E-Commerce Act of 2000
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 9775
Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 9995
Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 10173
Data Privacy Act of 2012
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 10175
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
Official Gazette Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror
Republic Act 10844
Department of Information and Communication Technology Act of 2015
DICT Reference PDF, NetSafetyPH Mirror


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