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Advocacy, Profession, and Association - Safe and Secure Cyber World

Did you know that there is a worldwide association focused on inspiring a safe and secure cyber world?

Safe and Secure Cyber World - Body of Knowledge

The association is (ISC)2 offers a portfolio of credentials that are part of a holistic, programmatic approach to security. It also develops & maintain the Critical Body of Knowledges (CBK®):

(ISC)² develops and maintains the (ISC)² CBK, a compendium of information security topics. The CBK is a critical body of knowledge that defines global industry standards, serving as a common framework of terms and principles that our credentials are based upon and allows professionals worldwide to discuss, debate, and resolve matters pertaining to the field. Subject matter experts continually review and update the CBK.

If you are interested in deeper study about information security and become a professional in the field, we suggest that you head to (their website) and learn as much you from there.

It would also help a great many of Filipinos if you succeed in understanding or gaining information security knowledge and is able to advocate a safer and secure cyber world. Don't forget to post a thought or two about your interest down in the comments section below.


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