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Scam Alert - Credit Card - Methodology is Part of Social Engineering

Just the other day, we posted Attack Example - Phishing - SMS Based - Smishing and yesterday someone in Cagayan de Oro using facebook alerted people of a Scam Modus Operandi (M.O.)

Do we think it's a scam? Yes it is.

Visit to read it yourself or you can check out the screenshot of the post below.

Room for Improvement

We want other people to learn from this incident because honestly we think the target victim did a good job here. And we would like to point out several areas which could be improved to really avoid something like this happening.

  • Listen to Instinct, Err to the Side of Caution. - This is where the target victim really did good. Our stand in the matter is that people should always listen to their instinct especially if they feel something is untowards against them. This instinct is simply about erring to the side of caution.
  • Do Not Overshare. - We very much understand how we Filipinos are social people. We are top the social media user in the world. Sadly the world is changing and the digital divide is wider than ever. Technocrats are ruling the world along with the cyber criminals. All we know is that is so much that can be done with the very basic information that you post online about you. Share on social media that your family is on vacation, and mal-intent actors can assume your house will most likely only have househelp staying there. Do we need to elaborate the effect of this information? We hope we don't have to anymore.
  • Do Business in the Place of Business. - As we've previously mentioned in the article linked at the start of this, only deal with person in the place of business. In this case, inside bank premises to personnel with proper identification, and most likely also in uniform only.
  • Know the Procedures. - In this post, the Bank hotline clarified that IT IS NOT PROCEDURE:
    1. to send personnel to you to renew cards
    2. ask old cards to be surrendered.
  • Help Others By Sharing Info. - We applaud the target victim for the courage to speak up and post what happened. The people should have no stigma being victimized by malicious or mal-intent individuals. It is only through sharing of verifiable information can we help other be more informed and make better decisions or take action.

One thing you'll notice about scammers is that they'll always try to force a decision out of you. They need to close whatever deal they are trying to make with you so you won't have time to verify or think thoroughly about the decision.

Be Part of the Solution

As always, help others by sharing this site and share whatever information you have to help keep our citizens safe from mal-intent individuals.


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