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Security Reminder: Uninstall Flash.

What exactly is Flash and why do I need to uninstall it? Flash has in the past years provided a lot of visual treat that wasn't entirely possible with other web tools or technology. For web developers back then using Flash also meant that they are at the top of their game. Unfortunately, as its use and adoption became very common, it also meant that it's a very good attack surface for malicious software or malware. Indeed it was and still is since it also became web page's video player of choice. It became so because it was a commonly installed plugin in most computers and the competing technologies weren't able to match its ubiquity or "common-ness."

For the most part, modern browsers have started disabling Flash but you will encounter some web pages that will prompt you to enable or install Flash. Do Not Install Flash. You will not be missing out on anything if you do not have Flash. In fact, you gain an extra security without Flash in your devices.

Reasons to Uninstall Flash

If you still need more reasons to uninstall flash, here's a few good article about why you should uninstall it:

Technically Inclined?

If you're the technically inclined, you're better off perusing to know the exact details of why Flash is a bad thing.

Alternative to Flash

The alternative has long been available, HTML5. HTML5 has been filling the gap as an alternative to Adobe Flash, you will rarely encounter the problem of not being able to access content online because you do not have Flash. HTML5 based playback is possible for large because web browsers have heeded the call by various security conscious groups, including their very own security research team.

How to Uninstall Flash

The web is full of instructions on how to do it, Adobe itself has an instruction how-to. So, we will not crafting another article about it but direct you to webpages that'll help you how to uninstall based on your operating system.

The End of Flash

It's the end of flash. If you have any questions or a recent negative experience about not having Flash in your device or any thoughts at all about this security reminder, do let us hear about it through the comments below or a blog entry at your own site and ping us back.


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